Sunday, October 10, 2021

Cocktails & Dreams

The Cocktail Party was held in the Upper Ballroom at the Best Western Headquarters Hotel. It was very well attended with folks arriving at 6:30. Drinks and conversation flowed as people saw old friends and met some new ones. There were light hors d'oeuvres alongs with beer, wine and mixed drinks. After dinner, Chairman Betsy Broyd called out the winners of the raffle and there were some fabulous prizes available.

39. Jig Saw Jake, "Jake," BLM, John Lynch

Short left: Good

Long right: Looks like he found a way around the water and straight to the bird.

National Derby General Meeting

 National Retriever Derby Club

2021 Annual General Meeting Agenda

Sedalia, Missouri


This event is being dedicated to Hugh Arthur whose 

philosophy of and dedication to our sport will be greatly missed.


Call To Order

Opening Ceremonies - NRDC President Jeff Schuett

NRDC President Jeff Schuett

The Pledge of Allegiance took place as well as a Moment of Silence for those people and dogs we lost this past year.

Introduction of NRDC Directors

President - Jeff Schuett

1st Vice President - Don Fregelette

2nd Vice President - Rita Jones (not in attendance)

PRTA Director - Mike Lardy

Secretary/Treasurer - John Stracka/Steve Roegiers

Welcome Statement

The COVID policy was such that if you were fully vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask. Please use common sense the health and safety of others.

Jeff thanked our landowners, Bob and Barbara Hayden and announced that they would be generously providing breakfast and lunch for all in attendance, handlers and workers alike.

He introduced our AKC Rep, Jerry Mann. And he revealed that the National Derby Trophy was donated by Kate Simonds.

Statement of Membership and Quorum - John Stracka announced that 127 clubs had paid their dues and that the proxies were mailed from these clubs so that a quorum was present in order to conduct club business.

Report of Nominating Committee for 2021:

Bob West – Elected Northern Region

Mike Lardy – PRTA Director

Accept Motion to Select the following Slate of Officers

President – Don Fregelette – who has stepped up to be a one-man Grounds committee!

1st Vice President – Rita Jones

2nd Vice President – Bob West

PRTA Director – Mike Lardy

Secretary/Treasurer – Steve Roegiers

Financial and Business Report

During the presentation and approval of 2020 Financial Statement, it was announced that they bought the awards for the next two years and that was reflected on the financials.

Presentation and Approval of 2020 Annual Minutes 

Accept Motion to Approve 2020 Financials and Minutes – So approved

Robert Hayden, son of our host and member of the Board of Directors of Retrieving Freedom spoke next about their mission to provide service animals to both veterans and autistic children. Bob Hayden donated 20 acres on Wood Dale Farm to build a facility for Retrieving Freedom, both dogs and clients. We were invited to meet with the director to schedule a visit later in week.

Robert Hayden from Retrieving Freedom

Gail LaBerge is the current chair of the AKC PAC. This organization has one purpose … to continue our sport to make sure we have officials in political office who support what we do. She has enlisted our financial support. Donations have to be made individually and not by an AKC club or organization.

Gail LaBerge from the AKC Political Action Committee

Report of 2022 National Championship Event

The event will once again be held at Wood Dale Farm in Sedalia, MO. Jeff Schuett announced the slate of next year’s Judges for the event to be held October 10 through the 14th:

Northern region: Lou Vreeland

Southern region: David Opseth

Western region: Julie Cole

The painting by Stephanie Sattler was sponsored by Starline Brass and was presented by Jeff Schuett to David Graf.

Winner – Oklahoma’s Sooner Be Tatum

Handler – David Graf

Owner - David Graf

Owner/Handler David Graf

Jeff Schuett acknowledged our major sponsors and their representatives:

Nestle Purina

Avery Sporting Dog

Starline Brass

Kent Cartridge



NRDC Field Trial Chairman Betsy Broyd

Betsy Broyd acknowledged AKC Representative Jerry Mann. And went on to acknowledge the Retriever News Crew and others:

BLOG team – Tina Styan, Gwen Jones and April Riley

Photographer – Hannah Wren

Announcer – Becky Eckett

Official Vet – Dr. Clark Fabian

She called out Lester Langley who was the Captain of the Guns and the Chairman of the Game Stewards. She thanked Annemarie Poole who has stepped up and taken over the Hostess Committee.

Next, the 2021 were introduced and were presented their appreciation gift.

Northern region – Richard Dresser

Southern region – Robby Bickley

Western region – Missy Bell

Jeff Schuett then presented Field Trial Chair Betsy Broyd with her gift.

Hospitality Announcements - Betsy Broyd then took the microphone and made these announcements:

Cocktail Party – 6:30 PM upstairs in the ballroom.

Workers Party – Wood Dale Farm, back patio of Bob and Barbara Hayden’s home. There will be signage. The food will be ready from 4:30 PM on. The party will wrap up around 7 PM.

Winners Party – Immediately upon the conclusion of the 10th Series, at Swede’sMound where a tent will have been erected.

NRDC 2021 Trial Announcements

Mike Lardy was introduced as Chief Marshal with his Co-Chief Marshal, Paul Knutson.

Chief Marshal (and PRTA Director) Mike Lardy

Mike Lardy introduced the Test Dogs and Handlers:

Male “Tank” Chocolate LR, Male

CTK’s Take the Money and Run

Owner: James HochstetlerHandler: Lauren Parks

Female “Roux” Black LR, Female

Habitat Flats North Bottom Gumbo

Owner: Jason Zerrer Handler: Sue George

Chief Marshal Mike Lardy stepped to the podium to announce the Trial Procedures:

— The goal is for this trial to run efficiently without being rushed.

 You may bring your dog to the line on lead

 Part of the dog must be on the mat for all sends

 You will receive your last bird on a different mat

 The First Series will be a double with a hen mallard flyer.

 No-Bird Policy: 1st: go back six, 2nd: go back six, 3rd: go to the end

 There would be a bitch check at the end of the meeting

 All handlers must remain behind the rope to watch the Test Dogs

 The first ten running dogs can come to the line, then the next ten until all have seen the field from the mat.

 There will be one gun change, after dog #40

 Handlers who have not yet run may briefly view the field from the line. 

After you have run, you are requested to proceed to the photographer where your picture will be taken.

There will be no caravan, please follow the signs off Highway HH.

The workers would arrive at 6:45 so you can be in the fields at 7:15 am. The National Anthem will be sung at 7:20 am. At 7:30 am, the first dog will be called to the line.

Callbacks will be announced at the site, posted at HQ and on the Official Retriever News Blog

The starting number was drawn and it was Dog #20:

Rimfires Son Of A Buck, “Peso,” handled by Rod Sage

While the Rotation was being calculated, Mike Lardy honored Dennis Bath stating what an important influence he had been to him and the sport in general. Dennis received a roar from the crowd and a standing ovation!

Dennis Bath

Rotation 20 – 34 – 48 – 8  …  There will be one gun change after dog #40

Bitch Check location – Parking lot of the Best Western State Fair Inn starting at 4:15 PM or at the conclusion of the General Meeting

The motion for adjournment was made and was seconded. See you at the Cocktail Party!