Test Five sits on the right side of a gravel road facing north. This is a land double with two dead roosters. The long bird has two gunners 300 yards from the line on the left side of a winding road. The gun station is in front of a hill. These gunners shoot and throw to the right with the bird landing at the base of a tree. The terrain slopes away from the gunners pushing the dogs to the left and away from the bird.
Bird #2 is 200 yards from the line. This gun station is located right of the road. These gunners shoot and throw a rooster to the left landing at a tree line that dips out of sight. The line to this bird has the dog crossing the road by the mat, over a small part of the field, back across a bend in the road, across a shorter field, then into a dip by the tree line.
Fifth Series – Land Double |