Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Instructions for the Fifth Series

Due to the overcast conditions expected for Wednesday morning, the test dogs will run at 7:30 am and dog #30 will start the Fifth Series after that.

Please use the entrance off Tanglewood as has been previously used and follow the signs to the test site. Thanks and have a good evening!

Callbacks to the 5th Series

43 dogs have been called back to the 5th Series.

43 dogs were called back:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54.

dogs were dropped: 7, 8, 9, 10, 23, 27, 41, 46 and 47

Dog #30 will Start the 5th series Wednesday morning!

End of Series Four

Series Four ended at 5:25 pm. The test is in the books...

7. Black Magic's Cosmic Cowboy, "Taz," BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Right: Over the dam, hunted behind the guns. Worked it out.

Left: Into the pond, across the field, and straight to the bird.


6. Midwest's Black Magic Lottie, "Lottie," YLF, Travis Echelberry

Right: Over the dam, under the arc, down the road deep, then back through the trees and the milo with the bird.

Left: Through the pond. Nice line under the arc, over the mound, and hunted deep. Worked back around and got his bird by the milo.


5. Gator Points Seaside Connection, "Connie," BLF, Jason Baker

Right: Under the arc and deep. Back through the milo to the bird.

Left: Into the pond. Up the left side to the woods. Got deep. Over the mound and out to the bird beside the milo. 


4. WinWater's True 2 The Game, "Trudy," BLF, Nicholas Toti

Right: Over the dam, under the arc, into the trees, then back through the milo to the bird.

Left: Up the left side to the trees, around the mound, then back to the left. Right up the road, into the woods, then into milo and back out. Found it. 


3. Riverwood's Blu Mayhem, "May," BLF, Mark Giese

Right: Smack on. Good job.

Left: Wide left to trees. Over the mound to the bird between the mound and milo.


2. Keep To The Code's Heart Of A Lion, "Nala," YLF, Teri Brezee

Right: Across the dam, under the arc, deep, and back through the milo to her bird.

Left: Across the pond on the left. Under the arc, over the mound and scooped up her bird outside of the milo.

1. Just A Tubb Of Croc's, "T C," BLF, Michael Moroz

Right: Over the dam, then deep behind the guns. Hunted deep and came back to the milo from behind and got her bird.

Left: Into the pond. Came in under the arc, up the road and then back to her bird beside the milo. 


54. Upper Lil Caillou's 5 Star Recruit, "Smoke," BLM, Rocky Pinell

Right: Straight to the bird.

Left: Up the left side of the field behind the mound, then straight back down to the bird beside the milo.


53. Merganser's Duck Dog Herbert, "Herbert," BLM, Dianne Morley

Right: Across the dam, under the arc to the back side of the milo. Came through and got his bird.

Left: Into the pond, up the left side of the field to the trees. Hunted left of guns, up on mound and deep into trees. Extended hunt before he got the bird beside the milo. 


46. Rerun - HR's Rhythm And Blues, "Jasper," BLM, Grant Settle

Right: Across lower piece of the dam. Under the arc. Went deep. Worked back to front side of milo, then jumped in and got the bird.

Left: Into the pond, under the arc, circled the mound, then picked up the bird outside of the milo.


52. High Peak's MVP, "Kobe," BLM, Samantha Thompson

Right: Over the dam and into the milo where he missed it. Got deep. Back into the cover for his bird.

Left: Into the pond, up under the arc past the mound, and back down to his bird beside the milo. 

51. She's Got Some Go, "Fleet," BLF, Jason Baker

Right: Over the dam, right of the guns into the trees. Back across the road, into the trees, then the milo for her bird.

Left: Up the left side, to the woods, hooked behind the guns, down the road, and then back to her bird beside the milo.

50. Crocs Minneapolis Miracle, "Diggs," BLM, Shane Olean

Right: Over the dam, down to the milo. Came in from behind and got his bird.

Left: Into the pond and out to his bird beside the milo.


49. Skywatch High Plains Drifter, "Traveler," BLM, Ray Vreeland

Right: Across the dam, under the arc, and into the cover for the bird.

Left: Into the pond, up to the mound, and back down beside the milo for his bird.


48. Riverwood's Red, Shaq And Blu, "Red," BLF, Mark Giese

Right: Over the dam and straight into the milo for the bird.

Left: Into the pond, up the left side to the tree line. Hunted behind the guns into the milo, then back out for his bird. 

47. Pick-up -TK Hot Premium Grade, "Jake," YLM, Brea Witt

Right: Over the dam, under the arc, and down to the bend in the road. Into the trees and then the milo for his bird.

Left: Reheeled on a false start. Came back a second time. Unsure and had to handle. Picked-up.

46. No Bird - HR's Rhythm And Blues, "Jasper," BLM, Grant Settle

Dog #46 did not get a bird. He will rerun after six dogs. 

45. Gator Points Knockin' Boots, "Boots," CLF, Jason Baker

Right: Under the arc, went deep down the road and back through the milo to the bird.

Left: Through the pond, behind the guns, and into the trees. Hunted deep and left. Came down for his bird beside the milo.

44. Jake A Roux's Ninnescah Warrior, "Chief," CLM, Travis Echelberry

Right: Up under the arc and into the mild for the bird.

Left: Up under the arc, over the mound, and back beside the milo to the bird.


43. Retriever Run's Miss American Pi, "Pi," BLF, Mark Mosher

Right: Over the dam, into the milo, out with the bird.

Left: Into the pond, hunted deep of the mound, and worked her way to the milo for the bird. 


42. SouthWindz Midnight Brees, "Brees," BLF, Matt Miller

Right: Over the dam and out to the milo for her bird.

Left: Up and under the arc, around the mound, and into the milo. Got the bird.


41. Turbo's Major Magic, "Major," GM, Julie Kirkland

Right: Under the arc, into the trees, then back through the milo to the bird.

Left: Into the pond, up the hill, and got his bird. 


40. Core Sound's Can I Get a Hey Hey, "Promise," BLF, Reid Jones

Right: Over the dam, under the arc, around to the back of milo and straight to the bird.

Left: Swam the pond. Hunted the mound and area behind the guns, then worked her way out to the bird. 

Gun change @ 3:23 pm

 Gun change at 3:23 pm.

39. Jig Saw Jake, "Jake," BLM, John Lynch

Right: Over the dam, out behind the guns. Made a loop back into the milo for the bird.

Left: Into the pond, up the left side of the field to the tree line, around the mound, hunted deep, then into the milo for his bird.

38. Bourbon Country's Blue Ribbon And White Socks, "Socks," CLF, Jason Baker

Right: Under the arc, down the tree line, and into the milo. Got it.

Left: Into the pond, up the left side of the field deep of guns, over the mound, down the road, then back to the milo for the bird. 

37. 4 Labs Running With The Rona, "Rona," BLF, Rod Sage

Right: Over the dam and out to the cover for the bird.

Left: Into the pond, straight to the fall area, and into the milo for the bird. 

36. Rocky Hooks JJ S Play It Again, "Sam," CBRM, Frank Pittelli

Right: Ran the dam, went past the guns, then went into the milo field from the back and got his bird.

Left: Into the pond and straight to the bird. 

35. Labrador Springs Black Tie Affair, "Tux," BLM, Jack Gwaltney III

Right: Over dam, behind the guns, then turned left into cover for the bird.

Left: Into the pond, ran up left behind the mound into the trees. Then up and down the road and into the cover for the bird.

34. Post Creek's Shakey Graves, "Bones," BLF, Caleb Brown

Right: Over the dam, into mowed area, then into milo for his bird.

Left: Up left side of field. Hooked behind guns and came straight around to his bird.

33. Bird Creek's Big Jake, "Jake," BLM, Robin Cagle

Right: Straight into the cover and got his bird.

Left: Into the pond, over the road, up the left side, behind the mound, and back into the milo for his bird.

32. Highpoint's Pot O'Hunny, "Winnie," BLF, Jeff Sanders

Right: Straight to milo, then went to back side. Came back through and got her bird.

Left: Drove straight to the fall area and the bird.

Drone Shot of the Fourth Series Land/Water Double

 Thanks, again, to Luann Pleasant for supplying these great shots …

31. Midwest's I Am Groot, "Groot," BLM, Travis Echelberry

Right: To the cover area and missed. Hunted deep, then back into cover for the bird.

Left: Came in left of guns into the shade. Hunted in trees, then back around mound to his bird.  


30. Seaside's Clinch River Cassie, "Cassie," BLF, Jason Baker

Right: Drove past guns and hunted. Made a deep loop, then came back to the milo for her bird.

Left: went up left side into shade and hunted back cover. Then went quickly down to his bird.  


28. The Queen's Heir Charles, "Charles," BLM, John Lynch

Right: Drove right to the cover and got his bird.

Left: Into the pond, over the road, up the field to the mound. Into the back cover and then quickly into milo for his bird. 

27. Wild Azz Willow, "Willow," BLF, Mark Lasnek

Right: Up into the cover and right back out with the bird. Nice!

Left: Right to the fall area and bird but left for a short loop by the guns. Then, back to the bird. Nice mark.

26. The Tin Man, "TOR," BLM, Marcy Wright

Right: Went right to it.

Left: Up under the arc just beside the bird. Back into the cover and out with the bird. Nice job.

25. Flatland's Sergeant Major, "Major," BLM, Gwen Jones

Right: Up under the arc and a direct turn right to the bird.

Left: Just perfect. Right to it!


23. Watermarks Run Maggie Run, "Maggie," BLF, Jamie Forqueran

Right: Up around the guns and over to the bird.

Left: Left of the guns and back around the mound, then to the bird. 

22. R&A's Notorious RBG, "Ruthie," BLF, Rip Shively

Right: Right to the bird.

Left: Perfect.


21. Execution Delivered By Giddy Excelerated - EDGE, "Edge," BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Right: Up around the guns and behind them. Then into cover for the birds.

Left: Up to the left side, then up under the arc and to the bird.

20. Rimfires Son Of A Buck, "Peso," BLM, Rod Sage

Right: Nice mark. Hunted in the fall area.

Left: Up to and behind the guns and over the the bird.

Conditions @ 1:48 pm

Conditions at 1:48 pm: The sky is bright and conditions are as perfect as can be. There's a slight 5-7 mph wind blowing from the mat towards the birds.

19. Troublesome Dr Quinn, "Quinn," BLM, John Broucek

Right: Directly to the bird in the cover. Very nice!

Left: He went out to left side and over to the bird.

18. Cinco Charlie, "Cinco," BLM, Caleb Brown

Right: Line up into fall area and right into the cover to find the bird. Nice!

Left: Right to the fall area and another nice mark.


17. OGF Comanche Moon Raider, "Raider," CLM, Travis Echelberry

Right: Made his way to fall area and hunted in and around guns and fall area. Found bird in the cover.

Left: Right to it.

16. Seaside's Aces & Eights, "Ace," BLM, Terry Cook

Right: Up under the arc and into cover for the bird.

Left: Made a line just left of gun, then into fall area and back left to the bird. 

15. Hard's The Pride Of Trinity Oxbow MH, "Bow," CLM, William Dunn

Right: Down across the dam, up hill to guns. Hunted deep right of guns. Back across road into milo for the bird.

Left: Into the pond, across the road. Up left side to shade. Hooked behind guns, then hunted back to guns. Into milo for the bird.

14. Whitewater Last Frontier-Wyatt, "Wyatt," YLM, John Lynch

Right: Across dam, into cover for the bird.

Left: Into the pond, great angle across field. Stabbed it.  

13. Little Egypt's I'm Your Huckleberry, "Huck," BLM, Tim Kreher

Right: Across dam, up across road, into cover, and straight to the bird.

Left: Into the pond and up the left side behind the guns in shade. Moved to milo and got his bird.


12. Iron Sky's Little Bit O' Sweetness, "Teddy," BLF, Luann Pleasant

Right: Across dam, across road. Worked cover and got bird.

Left: Through pond, up hill on good angle. Busted into cover and missed. Came out wide right. Back into cover for bird.


11. Dickens' Mighty Tiger, "Jeaux," BLM, Jeff Dickens

Right: Across dam on left side. Excellent line. Straight into cover and got it.

Left: Into the pond, across the road, up hill left of guns. Hunted left and short. Then hunted deep. Extended hunt before he got it.

10. Clooney's Seaside Apostle, "Creed," BLM, Marcy Wright

Right: Down and across the dam. Out to area around guns. Dove into cover and got it.

Left: Into the pond, across the road, then up field. Came in left of guns. Went deep into shade, then back out to milo. Two stabs and he got it.

9. Trumarc's Magnificent Franchise, "Rex," BLM, Ronald Aronoff

Right: Over the dam and across the road. Hunted mowed area, then came back into cover and got it.

Left: Into the pond, across the road, under the arc. Drilled it.


8. HyFlyer's Walk The Line Johnny Crash, "CJ," BLM, John Lynch

Right: Down across dam. Across road. Hunted mowed area on both sides of road. Ran into cover and got it.

Left: Into the pond, up hill and to the cover for the bird.

Series Four – Land/Water Double with Two Dead Roosters

Test Four is a Water Double. The mat sits on top of a hill next to a tree line. At the base of a hill are two ponds with decoys divided by a dam. On the other side of the water, a gravel road runs left to right through the test. The far side of the road angles away from the road to a tree line that is bordered by a stand of milo on the right.

Bird #1: Rooster pheasant is on the far side field at the base of a mound. This bird is thrown right into the edge of the milo strip at 260 yards.

Bird #2: Rooster pheasant is thrown left. The guns are down the hill, across the dam, across the road, and into the milo at 230 yards.

The conditions are bright, hot and there is very little breeze.

Fourth Series

1st Bird – Rooster Pheasant – 260 yards
2nd Bird – Rooster Pheasant – 230 yards