Thursday, October 14, 2021

Callbacks to the 9th Series

18 dogs have been called back to the 9th Series.

18 dogs called back:  1, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 25, 26, 28, 32, 36, 38, 48, 50, 52 and 53.

12 dogs were dropped: 2, 16, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 45, 49, 51 and 54.

Dog #13 will start the 9th series Friday morning!

The Test Dogs will run at 7:30 am.  We have been asked to come onto the property from Tangle Nook … follow the signs!

End of Series Eight

 Series eight ended at 5:20 pm. The test is in the books...

51. Pick-up - She's Got Some Go, "Fleet," BLF, Jason Baker

Short: Into pond one. Got out at the gun for a hunt deep and out of sight. Still hunting deep and out of sight. Hunted behind the guns then into the pond for the bird.

Long: Into the first pond, got into the corner and under the arc of the fall. Hunting the same area as the short bird. Picked up.


50. Crocs Minneapolis Miracle, "Diggs," BLM, Shane Olean

Short: Ran to area under the arc. Went left and came back down bank. Got into pond for bird.

Long: Into first pond, then across dike to second pond. Headed towards fall area, then to point by guns. Pushed off and on to his bird.


49. Pick-up - Skywatch High Plains Drifter, "Traveler," BLM, Ray Vreeland

Long: Took a nice line through the first pond. Landed on far shore left of bird and continued to drive out of pond. A couple of loops deep of gunners. Then drove on to re-enter water and pulled up long bird.

Short: Ran left but got in and out by guns. Handled.


48. Riverwood's Red, Shaq And Blu, "Red," BLF, Mark Giese

Short: Into a little cove near the point, back into the pond, and out to the bird.

Long: Hit pond one hard, crossed the dike, and swam straight to the bird.

45. Gator Points Knockin' Boots, "Boots," CLF, Jason Baker

Short: Into pond one. Swam past and got out to hunt around guns on left. Got deep then back into pond one for bird.

Long: Into pond one, out behind gun one, then into pond two. Went past island and headed towards guns, then deep of guns on land and hunted tree line. Back into pond, missed and onto land. Hunted deep, then back in and got it.


40. Core Sound's Can I Get a Hey Hey, "Promise," BLF, Reid Jones

Short: Into the pond, headed for her bird. Got out and missed. Turned around and came back into the water for her bird.

Long: Went through the short gun area but then got into pond two. Got out right of guns. Hunted right area hard. Then swam to island and all around. Worked it out.


39. Pick-up - Jig Saw Jake, "Jake," BLM, John Lynch

Short - Into dip of first pond. Ran bank to bird. Jumped in and got it.

Long: Into first pond. Hunted old fall area. Handled to the bird.


38. Bourbon Country's Blue Ribbon And White Socks, "Socks," CLF, Jason Baker

Short: Down the bank. Swam to point. Came around behind gunners. Got back in for the bird.

Long: Into first pond on far right side. Got into second pond, then over point to right of guns. Back in and swam to point with guns. Back in and across to bird.


37. Pick-up - 4 Labs Running With The Rona, "Rona," BLF, Rod Sage

Long: Into first piece of water, hunted land by short gunners. Went into second pond, but back to shore a few times before committing to a swim to the long bird.

Short: Into first pond out by gunners and popped. Guns had to help. Picked up.


Another View of the Eighth Series …

Luann Pleasant has outdone herself on this sunny afternoon and took these spectacular shots of the Eighth Series.


36. Rocky Hooks JJ S Play It Again, "Sam," CBRM, Frank Pittelli

Short: Ran behind guns to flat. Came back and got it.

Long: Into first pond, over dike, into second pond, then across point deep by guns. Back across to his bird.


35. Labrador Springs Black Tie Affair, "Tux," BLM, Jack Gwaltney III

Short: Ran to point, swam to bird, got it, got out, and swam back. 

Long: Ran bank left of short guns, hunted near shore behind the gunners. In and out of water. Back into pond two and up by gunners. Ran around bank and found it. 


33. Bird Creek's Big Jake, "Jake," BLM, Robin Cagle

Short: Into first cove, over point, back into water, then swam to his bird.

Long: Took same line as short bird. Nose down but ran on across the bank and got into second pond. Swam to point with guns, got into cove, then hunted land deep of guns and end of cove. Extended hunt in the wrong direction. Got it!


32. Highpoint's Pot O'Hunny, "Winnie," BLF, Jeff Sanders

Short: Very nice.

Long: Into first pond heading right. Got to far shore far right of guns. Hunted point, back into water and swam to point in front of guns. Back in water and over to her bird.


31. Pick-up - Midwest's I Am Groot, "Groot," BLM, Travis Echelberry

Short: Down the shore, under the arc, and out to the bird.

Long: Out across the first pond and into the old fall area. Picked up. 


28. The Queen's Heir Charles, "Charles," BLM, John Lynch

Short: Straight to the bird.

Long: Went on same line as short bird, over the dike and onto the far point. Ran a short way, then back into the water and to the bird.


Gun change @ 2:55 pm

Gun change at 2:55 pm.

26. The Tin Man, "TOR," BLM, Marcy Wright

Short: Straight to it.

Long: Line to guns with a loop around the guns, over to the shore behind the bird, and then got it.


25. Flatland's Sergeant Major, "Major," BLM, Gwen Jones

Short: Line at the guns and made loop under the arc and to the bird.

Long: Right to it!


20. Rimfires Son Of A Buck, "Peso," BLM, Rod Sage

Short: Straight to it.

Long: Nice mark.


16. Seaside's Aces & Eights, "Ace," BLM, Terry Cook

Short: Took a line to left of guns and hunted deep. After hunt behind guns, went over to bird.

Long: Took line to right and behind guns but recovered en route to stay in front and went right to the bird.


15. Hard's The Pride Of Trinity Oxbow MH, "Bow," CLM, William Dunn

Short: Right to it!

Long: Ditto!


14. Whitewater Last Frontier-Wyatt, "Wyatt," YLM, John Lynch

Short: Right to it.

Long: Line to right of guns, under arc, and over to the bird.


13. Little Egypt's I'm Your Huckleberry, "Huck," BLM, Tim Kreher

Short: Right to it!

Long: Nice line under the arc and over to the bird after looking around the point. 


12. Iron Sky's Little Bit O' Sweetness, "Teddy," BLF, Luann Pleasant

Short: Right to it!

Long: Line to right of guns and a hunt around the guns. Then over to the bird.


6. Midwest's Black Magic Lottie, "Lottie," YLF, Travis Echelberry

Short: Right to it!

Long: Made a line to the guns and hunted around them for several loops. After a few loops, jumped back in pond and swam under arc to bird.

3. Riverwood's Blu Mayhem, "May," BLF, Mark Giese

Short: Across pond and right to it.

Long: Very nice line across both ponds and, after a small loop under arc, she got the bird.


2. Keep To The Code's Heart Of A Lion, "Nala," YLF, Teri Brezee

Short: Nice line across pond to the bird.

Long: Left the line towards long bird and made a loop around midway to long gun. Went across pond to guns and to the bird after hunting around the guns.


Conditions @ 1:40 pm

Conditions for series eight are bright and clear with wind blowing right to left at 5-10 mph. The visibility is perfect.

1. Just A Tubb Of Croc's, "T C," BLF, Michael Moroz

Short: Ran to corner, jumped in and swam to her bird.

Long: Into first pond, over dike, into second pond, to point, then pushed off and got it.


54. Upper Lil Caillou's 5 Star Recruit, "Smoke," BLM, Rocky Pinell

Short: Straight to the bird.

Long: Through first pond, over dike and into second pond. Over point with gunners, then into pond. Back to point for a hunt on land behind guns. Water, land, water, land but did not cross channel. Finally worked it out.


53. Merganser's Duck Dog Herbert, "Herbert," BLM, Dianne Morley

Short: Into pond and straight to the bird.

Long: Into first pond and swam to fall area and missed. Made a loop deep on land, then quickly back into the water for his bird.


52. High Peak's MVP, "Kobe," BLM, Samantha Thompson

Short: Downhill to left side of first pond. Entered the pond and swam to the corner for the mark.

Long: Got in middle of pond one. Swam across and over dike. Excellent line to the bird.

Test Dogs - Eighth Series

Test dog #1: CTK‘s Take The Money And Run, "Tank," LM Owner James Hochstetler, Handler Lauren Parks

Short: Ran back around guns and deep, then turned back and got his bird.

Long: Ran past gun one and entered second piece of water to the point. Went to the end of the channel, then back to hunt point by bird boys.

Test dog #2: Habitat Flats North Bottom Gumbo, "Roux," LF, Owner Jason Zerrer, Handler Sue George

Short: Downhill and in front of gun, then over to bird without a swim. 

Long: Ran like first bird under the arc of the short bird into pond two. Up on point with gun. Traveled around and got it.

Series Eight – Water Double

Test Eight is a Water Double. The mat sits on a terrace facing northwest. We are overlooking a series of ponds. Wind is out of the southeast at 5-10 mph.

Bird #1 is a dead drake thrown left across a small channel from a point on the right side at 320 yards. The line to this bird goes down the hillside, across pond one, over a levee with deep cover, and into pond two past the point to the far shore in the channel. 

Bird #2 is a dead drake. The gunners will throw and shoot to the right causing the bird to land in the pond just right of the corner at 200 yards. Decoys are in the opposite corner of the pond. 

Both birds appear to converge on top of each other when thrown. This test is taking an average of seven minutes per dog to run.

The Eighth Series

Bird #1 – Dead Duck – 320 yards

Bird #2 – Dead Duck – 200 yards

Callbacks to the 8th Series

30 dogs have been called back to the 8th Series.

30 dogs called back:  1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54.

dogs were dropped: 8, 17, 19, 21, 22, 30, 34, 42 and 44.

Dog #52 will start the 8th series this afternoon!

End of Seventh Series

Test Seven concluded at 11:23 am. This test is in the books ...

22. Pick-up - Rerun - R&A's Notorious RBG, "Ruthie," BLF, Rip Shively

Flyer: Hunted short in mowed grass. Moved hunt to field. Kept going to area she first had a bird before the rerun. Picked up. 

42. Pick-up - SouthWindz Midnight Brees, "Brees," BLF, Matt Miller

Flyer: Bird landed in the shadow of the tree. Went under the arc to field then quickly right and to the bird.

Left: Up the right side, deep to cover. Hunted wide right in field. Picked up.

35. Rerun - Labrador Springs Black Tie Affair, "Tux," BLM, Jack Gwaltney III

Flyer: Straight to fall area, then got his bird.

Left: Left line out, then turned right into trees for bird.

40. Core Sound's Can I Get a Hey Hey, "Promise," BLF, Reid Jones

Flyer: Under the arc and into the beans. A few quick turns and got it.

Left: Up the left side, between the trees, and back out. Turned back in and got it.

39. Jig Saw Jake, "Jake," BLM, John Lynch

Flyer: Up in front of guns and out into field. Hunted left of fall area, then worked area back to the right and got it.

Left: Up the right side, then hunted hard before coming around the trees from the back and got his bird.

32. Rerun - Highpoint's Pot O'Hunny, "Winnie," BLF, Jeff Sanders

Flyer: Went right of tree. Hooked all the way around, then back out into the field. 

Left: Up left side. Dove in from left and got her bird.

38. Bourbon Country's Blue Ribbon And White Socks, "Socks," CLF, Jason Baker

Flyer: Out into the beans for a hunt. Came back to mowed grass area and missed it. Back into beans for more hunting. Came to edge and got it.

Left: Over the top of mound, turned left and straight to bird.

Aerial Photos from the Seventh Series

Many thanks, again to Luann Pleasant for these aerial photos of the Seventh!

37. 4 Labs Running With The Rona, "Rona," BLF, Rod Sage

Flyer: Out into bean field, a few brief loops, then got it.

Left: Went to the left side, turned in, and got it.

36. Rocky Hooks JJ S Play It Again, "Sam," CBRM, Frank Pittelli

Flyer: Straight out to fall area. Quick turn and scooped it up.

Left: Perfect mark.


35. No Bird - Labrador Springs Black Tie Affair, "Tux," BLM, Jack Gwaltney III

Dog #35 did not get a bird. He will rerun after six dogs.

34. Pick-up - Post Creek's Shakey Graves, "Bones," BLF, Caleb Brown

Flyer: Landed this side of cover. Missed on right and went deep into beans with large area hunt. Picked up. .

33. Bird Creek's Big Jake, "Jake," BLM, Robin Cagle

Flyer: Landed behind tree. Went straight through underbrush and out to his bird. Excellent.

Left: Went right of trees. Came through middle and got it.

32. No Bird - Highpoint's Pot O'Hunny, "Winnie," BLF, Jeff Sanders

Dog #32 did not get a bird. She will rerun after six dogs. 

31. Midwest's I Am Groot, "Groot," BLM, Travis Echelberry

Flyer: Covered large area but got it.

Left: Straight to area and his bird. Very nice. 

21. Rerun - Execution Delivered By Giddy Excelerated - EDGE, "Edge," BLM, Johnny Armstrong

Flyer: Extended hunt but got.

Left: Over the left side of the mound. Angled right across the field, went up, then hunted right over large area. Went left and found it.


Please enjoy some of these shots taken at the 2021 National Derby Championship. (PS They were taken in between the rain drops!  :-)

2021 NRDC Opening Ceremonies – Patrick Wilson sings the National Anthem

NRDC Official Photographer – Hannah Wren